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Wang, Hannah | Hogan, Catherine A | Verghese, Michelle | Solis, Daniel | Sibai, Mamdouh | Huang, ChunHong | Röltgen, Katharina | Stevens, Bryan A | Yamamoto, Fumiko | Sahoo, Malaya K | ... | Pinsky, Benjamin A Clinical Chemistry, volume 68, issue 1, pages 204-213 (2021). |
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Wirz, Oliver F. | Röltgen, Katharina | Stevens, Bryan A. | Pandey, Suchitra | Sahoo, Malaya K. | Tolentino, Lorna | Verghese, Michelle | Nguyen, Khoa | Hunter, Molly | Snow, Theo Thomas | ... | Boyd, Scott D. Frontiers in Immunology, volume 12 (2021). |
Rosser, Joelle I. | Röltgen, Katharina | Dymock, Melissa | Shepard, John | Martin, Andrew | Hogan, Catherine A. | Blomkalns, Andra | Mathew, Roshni | Parsonnet, Julie | Pinsky, Benjamin A. | ... | Holubar, Marisa Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, volume 42, issue 9, pages 1053-1059 (2021). |
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Lawrence, Lauren | Stevens, Bryan A. | Sahoo, Malaya K. | Huang, ChunHong | Yamamoto, Fumiko | Röltgen, Katharina | Wirz, Oliver | Zehnder, James | Shi, Run-Zhang | Boyd, Scott D. | ... | Hogan, Catherine A. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, volume 100, issue 3, pages 115365- (2021). |
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Hogan, Catherine A. | Gombar, Saurabh | Wang, Hannah | Röltgen, Katharina | Shi, Run-Zhang | Holubar, Marisa | Chang, Sang-ick | Lee, Grace M. | Boyd, Scott D. | Zehnder, James | Pinsky, Benjamin A. Emerging Infectious Diseases, volume 27, issue 1, pages 250-254 (2021). |
Pham, Tho D. | Huang, ChunHong | Wirz, Oliver F. | Röltgen, Katharina | Sahoo, Malaya K. | Layon, Arlene | Pandey, Suchitra | Foung, Steven K. | Boyd, Scott D. | Pinsky, Benjamin A. Annals of Internal Medicine, volume 173, issue 10, pages 853-854 (2020). |
Nielsen, Sandra C.A. | Yang, Fan | Jackson, Katherine J.L. | Hoh, Ramona A. | Röltgen, Katharina | Jean, Grace H. | Stevens, Bryan A. | Lee, Ji-Yeun | Rustagi, Arjun | Rogers, Angela J. | ... | Boyd, Scott D. Cell Host & Microbe, volume 28, issue 4, pages 516-525.e5 (2020). |