Billy R. Hammond

ScholarGPS® ID: 66657870784401

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... publications
Cannavale, Corinne N. | Keye, Shelby A. | Rosok, Laura M. | Martell, Shelby G. | Holthaus, Tori A. | Raine, Lauren R. | Mullen, Sean P. | Holscher, Hannah D. | Hillman, Charles H. | Kramer, Arthur F. | ... | Khan, Naiman A.
The Journal of Nutrition, volume 153, issue 10, pages 3144-3151 (2023).
Current Eye Research, volume 48, issue 7, pages 639-644 (2023).
Hammond, Billy R. | Leathers, Taylor A. | Wooten, Billy R. | Renzi‐Hammond, Lisa M.
Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, volume 43, issue 4, pages 898-904 (2023).
Keye, Shelby | Cannavale, Corinne | Rosok, Laura | Martell, Shelby | Holthaus, Tori | Raine, Lauren | Mullen, Sean | Holscher, Hannah | Hillman, Charles | Kramer, Arthur | ... | Khan, Naiman
Current Developments in Nutrition, volume 7 (2023).
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, volume 51, issue 3, pages 103-108 (2023).
Bailey, Regan L | Dog, Tieraona Low | Smith-Ryan, Abbie E | Das, Sai Krupa | Baker, Fiona C | Madak-Erdogan, Zeynep | Hammond, Billy R | Sesso, Howard D | Eapen, Alex | Mitmesser, Susan H | ... | Nguyen, Haiuyen
The Journal of Nutrition, volume 152, issue 7, pages 1597-1610 (2022).
Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice, volume 48, issue 12, pages 509-515 (2022).