Alfonso Fuentes

ScholarGPS® ID: 49068932542577

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... publications
Gonzalez-Perez, Ignacio | Guirao-Saura, Pedro L. | Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso
Journal of Mechanical Design, volume 143, issue 5 (2021).
Compensation of Shaft Deflections through Gear Micro-Geometry Modifications (book chapter)
In Dudley's Handbook of Practical Gear Design and Manufacture
Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso
CRC Press (2021)
Virtual Metrology of Helical Gears Reconstructed from Point Clouds (book chapter)
In Gears in Design, Production and Education
Gonzalez-Perez, Ignacio | Guirao-Saura, Pedro L. | Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso
Springer International Publishing (2021)
Yague-Spaude, Eloy | Gonzalez-Perez, Ignacio | Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso
Meccanica, volume 55, issue 11, pages 2285-2304 (2020).
Chen, Zhen | Zeng, Ming | Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, volume 234, issue 15, pages 3102-3115 (2020).
Chen, Zhen | Zeng, Ming | Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso
Journal of Mechanical Design, volume 142, issue 3 (2020).
Tooth Contact Analysis of Cylindrical Gears Reconstructed from Point Clouds (book chapter)
In New Approaches to Gear Design and Production
Gonzalez-Perez, Ignacio | Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso
Springer International Publishing (2020)
Chen, Zhen | Zeng, Ming | Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso
ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (2019)
Anaheim, California, USA
Hsieh, Chiu-Fan | Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, volume 41, issue 4 (2019).
Braescu, V. | Fuentes-Aznar, A. | Ghoneim, H.
American Society for Composites 2019 (2019)
Design and Generation of Straight Bevel Gears (book chapter)
In Advances in Gear Design and Manufacture
Fuentes-Aznar, Alfonso
CRC Press (2019)