Sven Tuzovic
ScholarGPS® ID: 45217276248149
Affiliation History
Business and Management
Top Specialties
Social Media | Insurance | Mobilities | Wearable Technology
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Publications and Citation History
Publications based on Top Specialties
Types of Publication
- Publications
- Books
- Patents
The journey to work of young adults with mobility disability: a qualitative study on the digital technologies that support mobility (journal article) Disability & Society (2023). |
Defining Biometrics With Privacy and Benefits: A Research Agenda (journal article) Australasian Marketing Journal, volume 31, issue 4, pages 294-302 (2023). |
Investigating the drivers of wearable technology adoption for healthcare in South America (journal article) Information Technology & People, volume 36, issue 2, pages 916-939 (2023). |
Culinary destination consumer-based brand equity: exploring the influence of tourist gaze in relation to FoodPorn on social media (journal article) Tourism Recreation Research, volume 47, issue 3, pages 221-240 (2022). |
A hostile tale of disclosure and betrayal: Business perceptions of offshoring services (journal article) Industrial Marketing Management, volume 102 (2022). |
“My colleague is a robot” – exploring frontline employees' willingness to work with collaborative service robots (journal article) Journal of Service Management, volume 33, issue 2, pages 363-388 (2022). |
Do You Trust that Brand Selfie? A New Scale to Measure Brand Selfie Credibility: An Abstract (book chapter) In Celebrating the Past and Future of Marketing and Discovery with Social Impact Springer International Publishing (2022) |
“Keep the Space”: Influence of Perceived Space on Wellbeing in Restaurants During Coronavirus (book chapter) In Consumption, Production, and Entrepreneurship in the Time of Coronavirus Springer International Publishing (2022) |
Effects of sponsorship quality and quantity on employee brand behavior (journal article) Journal of Brand Management, volume 28, issue 5, pages 495-509 (2021). |
International Journal of Hospitality Management, volume 95 (2021). |
The influence of social distancing on employee well-being: a conceptual framework and research agenda (journal article) Journal of Service Management, volume 32, issue 2, pages 145-160 (2021). |
Mobile-assisted showroomers: Understanding their purchase journey and personalities (journal article) Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, volume 58 (2021). |
Viewpoint: The impact of coronavirus on service ecosystems as service mega-disruptions (journal article) Journal of Services Marketing, volume 34, issue 6, pages 809-817 (2020). |
Why organizational loyalty programs cannot prevent switching (journal article) Journal of Services Marketing, volume 34, issue 2, pages 207-222 (2020). |
Erratum zu: You and Your Autopilot – How Consumers Perceive Semi-autonomous Cars (book chapter) In Automatisierung und Personalisierung von Dienstleistungen Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden (2020) |
You and Your Autopilot – How Consumers Perceive Semi-autonomous Cars (book chapter) In Automatisierung und Personalisierung von Dienstleistungen Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden (2020) |
Designing Short-Term, Faculty-Led Study Abroad Programs (book chapter) In Academic Mobility Programs and Engagement IGI Global (2020) |
Conceptualizing health consumer engagement: an extended framework of resource integration, co-creation and engagement (book chapter) In Handbook of Research on Customer Engagement Edward Elgar Publishing (2019) |
Persuaded self-tracking with wearable technology: carrot or stick? (journal article) Journal of Services Marketing, volume 33, issue 4, pages 436-448 (2019). |
Trustmarks: Strategies for exploiting their full potential in e-commerce (journal article) Business Horizons, volume 62, issue 2, pages 237-247 (2019). |