Yves Samoy
ScholarGPS® ID: 41369407316669
Affiliation History
Orthopaedic Surgery
Top Specialties
Veterinary Surgery | Radiography | Tomography | Bone Scintigraphy
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Publications and Citation History
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Intravenous Injection of Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Dogs with Articular Pain and Lameness: A Feasibility Study (journal article) Stem Cells and Development, volume 32, issue 11-12, pages 292-300 (2023). |
Lameness Localization in Dogs: An Exploratory Study of the Translation of the Equine Flexion Test to Canine Orthopaedics (journal article) VCOT Open, volume 05, issue 02, pages e116-e122 (2022). |
Review: Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy in Canine Osteoarthritis Research: “Experientia Docet” (Experience Will Teach Us) (journal article) Frontiers in Veterinary Science, volume 8 (2021). |
Heupproblemen bij kleine hondenrassen (journal article) Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift , volume 89, issue 6, pages 337-344 (2020). |
Meniscusletsels bij de hond (journal article) Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, volume 88, issue 6, pages 335-341 (2019). |
Artroscopische bevindingen bij 84 caniene ellebogen met erosie van het mediale gewrichtscompartiment (journal article) Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, volume 87, issue 2 (2018). |
Incomplete ossificatie van de humeruscondylen (IOHC) bij de hond (journal article) Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, volume 87, issue 2 (2018). |
Intraobserver and interobserver agreement on the radiographical diagnosis of canine cranial cruciate ligament rupture (journal article) Veterinary Record, volume 182, issue 17, pages 484-484 (2018). |
Incomplete ossification of the humeral condyle (IOHC) in a three-year-old German shepherd (journal article) Veterinarski glasnik, volume 71, issue 2, pages 123-133 (2017). |
Fysiotherapie bij kleine huisdieren (journal article) Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, volume 85, issue 6 (2016). |
Arthroscopic, Computed Tomography, and Radiographic Findings in 25 Dogs With Lameness After Arthroscopic Treatment of Medial Coronoid Disease (journal article) Veterinary Surgery, volume 45, issue 2, pages 246-253 (2016). |
Postoperatieve infectie met een multiresistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bij een Berner sennenhond met een ruptuur van de voorste kruisband (journal article) Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, volume 84, issue 5 (2015). |
TTA Rapid: Description of the Technique and Short Term Clinical Trial Results of the First 50 Cases (journal article) Veterinary Surgery, volume 44, issue 4, pages 474-484 (2015). |
Intra‐ and Interobserver Agreement on Radiographic Phenotype in the Diagnosis of Canine Hip Dysplasia (journal article) Veterinary Surgery, volume 44, issue 4, pages 467-473 (2015). |
Ulnaire osteotomie als behandeling van een losse processus anconeus bij een jonge mastino napoletano (journal article) Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, volume 84, issue 2 (2015). |
Vraag & Antwoord (journal article) Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, volume 82, issue 4 (2013). |
Toepassingen van ultrageluid in de diergeneeskunde (journal article) Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, volume 82, issue 3 (2013). |
Arthroscopic treatment of fragmented coronoid process with severe elbow incongruity (journal article) Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, volume 26, issue 01, pages 27-33 (2013). |
Arthroscopic features of primary and concomitant flexor enthesopathy in the canine elbow (journal article) Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, volume 26, issue 05, pages 340-347 (2013). |
Anaesthetic arthrography of the shoulder joint in dogs (journal article) Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, volume 26, issue 04, pages 291-297 (2013). |