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Carelli, Daniel | Peters, B. Guy
Administration & Society, volume 56, issue 5, pages 683-703 (2024).
Some Optimism About Public Governance (book chapter)
In Challenges to Public Value Creation
Springer Nature Switzerland (2024)
Two-Party/Multi-Party Systems (book chapter)
In Political Patronage in Asian Bureaucracies
Cambridge University Press (2023)
Public Money & Management, volume 43, issue 6, pages 590-591 (2023).
Policy-making as designing: taking stock and looking forward (book chapter)
In Policy-Making as Designing
Buuren, Arwin van | Lewis, Jenny M. | Peters, B. Guy
Bristol University Press (2023)
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, volume 45, issue 1, pages 7-15 (2023).
Springer Nature Switzerland (2023)
Governments and Citizens Under Stress (book chapter)
In The Problem of Governing
Springer Nature Switzerland (2023)
Politics in England (book chapter)
In The Problem of Governing
Springer Nature Switzerland (2023)
Peters, B. Guy | Bianchi, Carmine
The American Review of Public Administration, volume 53, issue 1, pages 36-48 (2023).
Australian Journal of Public Administration, volume 81, issue 4, pages 629-639 (2022).
Governance, volume 35, issue 4, pages 962-982 (2022).
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, volume 24, issue 1, pages 73-86 (2022).