Adrian M. Price-Whelan

ScholarGPS® ID: 29433887540362

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... publications
Castro-Ginard, Alfred | Penoyre, Zephyr | Casey, Andrew R. | Brown, Anthony G.A. | Belokurov, Vasily | Cantat-Gaudin, Tristan | Drimmel, Ronald | Fouesneau, Morgan | Khanna, Shourya | Kurbatov, Evgeny P. | ... | Smart, Richard L.
Astronomy & Astrophysics (2024).
Aganze, Christian | Pearson, Sarah | Starkenburg, Tjitske | Contardo, Gabriella | Johnston, Kathryn V. | Tavangar, Kiyan | Price-Whelan, Adrian M. | Burgasser, Adam J.
The Astrophysical Journal, volume 962, issue 2, pages 151- (2024).
Hunt, Jason A S | Price-Whelan, Adrian M | Johnston, Kathryn V | McClure, Rachel L | Filion, Carrie | Cassese, Ben | Horta, Danny
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 527, issue 4, pages 11393-11403 (2023).
Darragh-Ford, Elise | Hunt, Jason A. S. | Price-Whelan, Adrian M. | Johnston, Kathryn V.
The Astrophysical Journal, volume 955, issue 1, pages 74- (2023).
Yavetz, Tomer D. | Johnston, Kathryn V. | Pearson, Sarah | Price-Whelan, Adrian M. | Hamilton, Chris
The Astrophysical Journal, volume 954, issue 2, pages 215- (2023).
Castro-Ginard, Alfred | Brown, Anthony G. A. | Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Zuzanna | Cantat-Gaudin, Tristan | Drimmel, Ronald | Oh, Semyeong | Belokurov, Vasily | Casey, Andrew R. | Fouesneau, Morgan | Khanna, Shourya | ... | Rix, Hans-Walter
Astronomy & Astrophysics, volume 677 (2023).
Lucey, Madeline | Pearson, Sarah | Hunt, Jason A S | Hawkins, Keith | Ness, Melissa | Petersen, Michael S | Price-Whelan, Adrian M | Weinberg, Martin D
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 520, issue 3, pages 4779-4792 (2023).
Cantat-Gaudin, Tristan | Fouesneau, Morgan | Rix, Hans-Walter | Brown, Anthony G. A. | Castro-Ginard, Alfred | Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Zuzanna | Drimmel, Ronald | Hogg, David W. | Casey, Andrew R. | Khanna, Shourya | ... | Green, G.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, volume 669 (2023).
Rix, Hans-Walter | Chandra, Vedant | Andrae, René | Price-Whelan, Adrian M. | Weinberg, David H. | Conroy, Charlie | Fouesneau, Morgan | Hogg, David W | De Angeli, Francesca | Naidu, Rohan P. | ... | Ruz-Mieres, Daniela
The Astrophysical Journal, volume 941, issue 1, pages 45- (2022).
Pearson, Sarah | Price-Whelan, Adrian M. | Hogg, David W. | Seth, Anil C. | Sand, David J. | Hunt, Jason A. S. | Crnojević, Denija
The Astrophysical Journal, volume 941, issue 1, pages 19- (2022).
Anguiano, Borja | Majewski, Steven R. | Stassun, Keivan G. | Badenes, Carles | Daher, Christine Mazzola | Dixon, Don | Allende Prieto, Carlos | Schneider, Donald P. | Price-Whelan, Adrian M. | Beaton, Rachael L.
The Astronomical Journal, volume 164, issue 4, pages 126- (2022).
Garavito-Camargo, Nicolás | Patel, Ekta | Besla, Gurtina | Price-Whelan, Adrian M. | Gómez, Facundo A. | Laporte, Chervin F. P. | Johnston, Kathryn V.
The Astrophysical Journal, volume 923, issue 2, pages 140- (2021).
Kounkel, Marina | Covey, Kevin R. | Stassun, Keivan G. | Price-Whelan, Adrian M. | Holtzman, Jon | Chojnowski, Drew | Longa-Peña, Penélope | Román-Zúñiga, Carlos G. | Hernandez, Jesus | Serna, Javier | ... | Bizyaev, Dmitry
The Astronomical Journal, volume 162, issue 5, pages 184- (2021).