Stephen A. Moggach

ScholarGPS® ID: 28496108143590

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Zhou, Zhou | Zhang, Jun-Jie | Turner, Gemma F. | Moggach, Stephen A. | Lekina, Yulia | Morris, Samuel | Wang, Shun | Hu, Yiqi | Li, Qiankun | Xue, Jinshuo | ... | You, Lu
Applied Physics Reviews, volume 11, issue 1 (2024).
Turner, Gemma F. | Stapleton, Nicholas | Brookes, James | Spagnoli, Dino | Sussardi, Alif N. | Jones, Anita C. | McGonigal, Paul R. | Moggach, Stephen A.
CrystEngComm, volume 26, issue 4, pages 459-467 (2024).
Jones, Isabelle M. | Turner, Gemma F. | Pitts, Kari | Powell, Rees | Riboldi-Tunnicliffe, Alan | Williamson, Rachel | Boer, Stephanie | Allen, Lauren | Moggach, Stephen A.
CrystEngComm, volume 25, issue 47, pages 6533-6538 (2023).
The Journal of Organic Chemistry, volume 88, issue 16, pages 11968-11979 (2023).
Turner, F. | Moggach, S. A. | McGonigal, Paul R.
Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances, volume 79, issue a2, pages C1107-C1107 (2023).
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, volume 30, issue 4, pages 841-846 (2023).
High-pressure Mechanical Behaviour Under Hydrostatic Compression (book chapter)
In Mechanical Behaviour of Metal – Organic Framework Materials
The Royal Society of Chemistry (2023)
Sala, Samuele | Moggach, Stephen | Nealon, Gareth | Fromont, Jane | Gomez, Oliver | Vuong, Daniel | Lacey, Ernest | Flematti, Gavin
Marine Drugs, volume 21, issue 1, pages 41- (2023).