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European Journal of Pediatric Surgery, volume 34, issue 02, pages 162-171 (2024).
Sferra, Shelby R. | Guo, Matthew | Gonzalez Salazar, Andres J. | Penikis, Annalise B. | Engwall-Gill, Abigail J. | Ebanks, Ashley | Harting, Matthew T. | Collaco, Joseph M. | Kunisaki, Shaun M.
The Journal of Pediatrics, volume 259 (2023).
Emanuel, Hina | Breitschopf, Hannah V. | Harting, Matthew T. | Castillo, Diana J. Martinez | Yadav, Aravind | McBeth, Katrina | Hashmi, S. Syed | Ebanks, Ashley H. | Harris, Tomika S. | Lally, Kevin P. | ... | Mosquera, Ricardo A.
Translational Pediatrics, volume 12, issue 8, pages 1490-1503 (2023).
Holden, Kylie I. | Martino, Alice M. | Guner, Yigit S. | Harting, Matthew T.
Seminars in Pediatric Surgery, volume 32, issue 4, pages 151328- (2023).
Holden, Kylie I. | Harting, Matthew T.
Translational Pediatrics, volume 12, issue 7, pages 1403-1415 (2023).
Harting, Matthew T. | Munson, David | Linebarger, Jennifer | Hirshberg, Ellie | Gow, Kenneth W. | Malek, Marcus M. | Robbins, Alexandria J. | Turnbull, Jessica
Journal of Pediatric Surgery, volume 58, issue 6, pages 1059-1073 (2023).
Journal of the American College of Surgeons, volume 236, issue 5, pages S79-S80 (2023).