Christopher H. Contag

ScholarGPS® ID: 23265334195457

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... publications
Maduka, Chima V. | Makela, Ashley V. | Tundo, Anthony | Ural, Evran | Stivers, Katlin B. | Kuhnert, Maxwell M. | Alhaj, Mohammed | Hoque Apu, Ehsanul | Ashammakhi, Nureddin | Hankenson, Kurt D. | ... | Contag, Christopher H.
Bioactive Materials, volume 40 (2024).
Parnas, Michael | McLane-Svoboda, Autumn K. | Cox, Elyssa | McLane-Svoboda, Summer B. | Sanchez, Simon W. | Farnum, Alexander | Tundo, Anthony | Lefevre, Noël | Miller, Sydney | Neeb, Emily | ... | Saha, Debajit
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, volume 261 (2024).
Toomajian, Victoria A. | Tundo, Anthony | Ural, Evran E. | Greeson, Emily M. | Contag, Christopher H. | Makela, Ashley V.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, volume 16, issue 24, pages 30860-30873 (2024).
Open Access Government, volume 41, issue 1, pages 52-54 (2024).
Nakipoglu, Mustafa | Tezcaner, Ayşen | Contag, Christopher H. | Annabi, Nasim | Ashammakhi, Nureddin
Advanced Materials, volume 35, issue 49 (2023).
Marumo, Tomoko | Maduka, Chima V. | Ural, Evran | Apu, Ehsanul Hoque | Chung, Seock-Jin | Tanabe, Koji | van den Berg, Nynke S. | Zhou, Quan | Martin, Brock A. | Miura, Tadashi | ... | Contag, Christopher H.
Communications Biology, volume 6, issue 1 (2023).
Maduka, Chima V. | Alhaj, Mohammed | Ural, Evran | Habeeb, Oluwatosin M. | Kuhnert, Maxwell M. | Smith, Kylie | Makela, Ashley V. | Pope, Hunter | Chen, Shoue | Hix, Jeremy M. | ... | Contag, Christopher H.
Advanced Science, volume 10, issue 31 (2023).
NANOCOM '23: The 10th Annual ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (2023)
Coventry United Kingdom
Li, Xueping | Shen, Huaishuang | Zhang, Mao | Teissier, Victoria | Huang, Ejun Elijah | Gao, Qi | Tsubosaka, Masanori | Toya, Masakazu | Kushioka, Junichi | Maduka, Chima V. | ... | Goodman, Stuart B.
Frontiers in Immunology, volume 14 (2023).
Teissier, Victoria | Gao, Qi | Shen, Huaishuang | Li, Jiannan | Li, Xueping | Huang, Elijah Ejun | Kushioka, Junichi | Toya, Masakazu | Tsubosaka, Masanori | Hirata, Hirohito | ... | Goodman, Stuart B.
Stem Cell Research & Therapy, volume 14, issue 1 (2023).
Sultaire, Sean M. | Kawai‐Harada, Yuki | Kimmel, Ashley | Greeson, Emily M. | Jackson, Patrick J. | Contag, Christopher H. | Lackey, Carl W. | Beckmann, Jon P. | Millspaugh, Joshua J. | Montgomery, Robert A.
The Journal of Wildlife Management, volume 87, issue 3 (2023).
Maduka, Chima V. | Alhaj, Mohammed | Ural, Evran | Kuhnert, Maxwell M. | Habeeb, Oluwatosin M. | Schilmiller, Anthony L. | Hankenson, Kurt D. | Goodman, Stuart B. | Narayan, Ramani | Contag, Christopher H.
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, volume 9, issue 2, pages 932-943 (2023).
Maduka, Chima V. | Kuhnert, Maxwell M. | Habeeb, Oluwatosin M. | Tundo, Anthony | Makela, Ashley V. | Goodman, Stuart B. | Contag, Christopher H.
Journal of Immunology and Regenerative Medicine, volume 19 (2023).
Komuro, Hiroaki | Kawai-Harada, Yuki | Aminova, Shakhlo | Pascual, Nathaniel | Malik, Anshu | Contag, Christopher H. | Harada, Masako
Nanotheranostics, volume 7, issue 1, pages 90-90 (2023).