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Horvitz, Eric | Conitzer, Vincent | McIlraith, Sheila | Stone, Peter
Communications of the ACM, volume 67, issue 6, pages 39-40 (2024).
Rossi, Alessandra | Paetzel-Prüsmann, Maike | Keijsers, Merel | Anderson, Michael | Anderson, Susan Leigh | Barry, Daniel | Gutsche, Jan | Hart, Justin | Iocchi, Luca | Kokkelmans, Ainse | ... | von Stryk, Oskar
Autonomous Robots, volume 48, issue 2-3 (2024).
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, volume 13, issue 1, pages 1-36 (2024).
Knox, W. Bradley | Allievi, Alessandro | Banzhaf, Holger | Schmitt, Felix | Stone, Peter
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 38, issue 20, pages 22702-22702 (2024).
Rahman, Muhammad | Cui, Jiaxun | Stone, Peter
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 38, issue 16, pages 17523-17530 (2024).
Wang, Zizhao | Wang, Caroline | Xiao, Xuesu | Zhu, Yuke | Stone, Peter
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 38, issue 14, pages 15778-15786 (2024).
Knox, W. Bradley | Hatgis-Kessell, Stephane | Adalgeirsson, Sigurdur Orn | Booth, Serena | Dragan, Anca | Stone, Peter | Niekum, Scott
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 38, issue 9, pages 10066-10073 (2024).
2023 IEEE-RAS 22nd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids) (2023)
Austin, TX, USA
Zhang, Yulin | Macke, William | Cui, Jiaxun | Hornstein, Sharon | Urieli, Daniel | Stone, Peter
Neural Computing and Applications (2023).
Zhang, Xiaohan | Zhu, Yifeng | Ding, Yan | Jiang, Yuqian | Zhu, Yuke | Stone, Peter | Zhang, Shiqi
2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (2023)
Detroit, MI, USA
Wurman, Peter R. | Stone, Peter | Spranger, Michael
Science, volume 381, issue 6654, pages 147-148 (2023).
Hauser, Elliott | Chan, Yao-Cheng | Chonkar, Parth | Hemkumar, Geethika | Wang, Huihai | Dua, Daksh | Gupta, Shikhar | Enriquez, Efren Mendoza | Kao, Tiffany | Hart, Justin | ... | Stone, Peter
TAS '23: First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (2023)
Edinburgh United Kingdom
Bajaj, Vaibhav | Sharon, Guni | Stone, Peter
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, volume 33, issue 1, pages 542-550 (2023).
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 37, issue 10, pages 11699-11707 (2023).
Liu, Bo | Feng, Yihao | Liu, Qiang | Stone, Peter
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 37, issue 7, pages 8799-8806 (2023).
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 37, issue 5, pages 5920-5929 (2023).