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... publications
Ni, Hongliang | Han, Lei | Chen, Tong | Sadiq, Shazia | Demartini, Gianluca
FAccT '24: The 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (2024)
Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Xu, Jiechen | Han, Lei | Sadiq, Shazia | Demartini, Gianluca
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, volume 42, issue 3, pages 1-26 (2024).
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, volume 18 (2024).
Meguellati, Elyas | Han, Lei | Bernstein, Abraham | Sadiq, Shazia | Demartini, Gianluca
WWW '24: The ACM Web Conference 2024 (2024)
Singapore Singapore
Wen, Hechuan | Chen, Tong | Chai, Li Kheng | Sadiq, Shazia | Gao, Junbin | Yin, Hongzhi
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, volume 36, issue 5, pages 2271-2284 (2024).
Wen, Hechuan | Chen, Tong | Chai, Li Kheng | Sadiq, Shazia | Zheng, Kai | Yin, Hongzhi
2023 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) (2023)
Shanghai, China
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, volume 41, issue 3, pages 1-35 (2023).
SIGMOD/PODS '23: International Conference on Management of Data (2023)
Seattle WA USA
Brea, Edgar | Someh, Ida | Freya, Emma | Thebault, Brett | Sadiq, Shazia
Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (2023).
Information Processing & Management, volume 60, issue 2, pages 103177- (2023).
Springer Nature Switzerland (2023)